How to make SEO proposal for client pdf template

SEO services proposal is needed to onboard the client. This blog tells you how to make SEO proposal for clients. Here you will get a free seo proposal template.

There are 3 main steps to on board and retain a client. The 1st step is a discovery meeting in which important questions are asked to the client. After that, the SEO proposal is sent and explained to the client. The third step is sharing the work strategy (work tracker) to maintain transparency.

How to make SEO proposal for client pdf template

Some necessary tools required to make a good seo proposal for a client website. 

  • Semrush or Ahref tool.

Free SEO proposal template and pdf

Get a free SEO proposal template and make a copy of it then add edit information according to your need.

Here is your SEO proposal for client PDF.

Discovery meeting

This is your first meeting with client in which you have to ask some important questions that are given below: 

  • Who is the ideal customer for your business/website?
  • What is target location/geography?
  • What pain points do you solve for your customers?
  • Who is the right competition (ask their competitors if they know)?
  • What is your USP (if have any)?
  • What is your willing product or services you serve?
  • What is your budget to invest for seo services?
  • What is your strategy (1 to 2)?
  • Do you have content writers or not?

SEO proposal for client

Best SEO proposals contain all important parameters including clients current keyword status, new keyword research, basic site audit, work strategy, time duration and fees. 

Proposals should be made on slides you can use PowerPoint slides or Google Slides. Google Slides are good to maintain data in your work space and are easy to share with clients.

In the proposal show where clients website is standing currently pick their keywords from paid tools like semrush, ahref. Then research and share some keywords on which you will try to provide the ranking to the client’s site. Clearly mention what improvement you are going to provide to the client site. 

Prepare the backlink chart and other important technical aspects that you are going to provide. 

SEO proposal for client

Prepare the parameters after auditing the clients website. Mention the improvements in red colour and good practices that are already done in green colour. These parameters are required during explaining SEO proposals to the client.

The below given is the example: don’t copy it the same instead write seo proposal parameters after auditing the site with paid tools like semrush and ahref. If you can’t afford these tools then try free seo tool screaming frog.

Title TagAbsentYou don’t have a title tag of optimal length.
Meta DescriptionKeywords missingMeta description is for search engines to understand the content of your page. 
Header TagPresentHTML header tags are an important way of signaling to search engines, subsequently the keywords it should rank for.
Keyword ConsistencyAbsentPages main keywords are not distributed across the HTML tags.
Amount of ContentAbsentPage has a very less level of textual content.
Image Alt TagAbsentNo image alt tags found.
URL FriendlinessAbsentURLs are not in good shape.
Robots.TxtPresentImportant aspect of ranking.
Google SitemapPresentRecommended to ensure that search engines can register your all pages.
Google analyticsPresentAssist you in measuring, analyzing and ultimately improving traffic to your pages.
Page SpeedNeed improvement One of the google parameters.
FaviconAbsentImportant aspect of favicon & branding perspective.
SSL CertificatePresentRequired for site security.
Mobile FriendlinessPresentSite is mobile friendly.
Image OptimizationAbsentImages are not optimized.
Important parameters for seo request for proposal.

Post recommendation 

In this section mention the much needed changes to be done on the website in a few points.  Explain to the client that these are some important factors that you will apply on their website. It will be easier to explain recommendations to the client after parameters. 

  • Add the title tag between 50 to 70 characters.
  • Include metal description with keywords.
  • Use of main keywords in the HTML header tags.
  • Increase page text context if their site is having less or very less words.
  • XML sitemap implication.
  • Google Analytics tools implementation. 
  • Structure data implementation.
  • Keyword stuffing removal and adding natural keywords.

Current ranking of keywords

Prepare a box or table mentioning the current ranking and position of their website keywords. Again paid tools are required to find out the current ranking keywords of client website.

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Make a table mentioning important check points about SEO services that you will provide to the client. Explain all these checkpoints during presenting the SEO proposal to the client.

Keyword ResearchPages and keywords are mentioned in the proposal on which we are going to work.
On Page OptimizationWe will optimize the website according to the user and google including title length, h1, h2, description, content and other ranking factors.
Content optimization & writingWe will create SEO friendly content for the website pages, and write blogs for the website. All the details will be mentioned later in the proposal.
Technical SEOWe will attach a technical report in the proposal later and properly index all the pages.
Link BuildingProper, relevant & quality backlinks will be done.
ReportingWe will send you a tracking report of the keywords during the work and also all the backlinks that are created.

Agreement or contract letter 

Agreement or contract letter is a very important aspect to maintain professionalism. What services are you giving to the client should be written clearly on the contract letter. 

If you are giving web designing services then clearly mention the deal is about 3 to 5 pages only. Clearly mention the number of corrections unlimited or limited and the timings of completion of the project.

Share work tracker

Sharing work strategy in the form of a work tracker is good practice so that the client can track the actions taken by the agency. From a client’s point of view this is a helpful and transparent method. This is a powerful trick to retain the clients forever, and also gets referrals. 

Conclusion – How to make SEO proposal for a client is explained in this blog post. Now you are aware about discovery meeting important questions, agreement and seo proposals. You also get a free seo proposal template link.

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