Old SEO vs Advanced SEO techniques

To rank a website you must know advanced SEO techniques as Search Engine Optimization is being updated every year. Advanced seo strategies are disclosed here.

You must follow some necessary SEO changes that were working earlier but have no impact today. Small to big businesses get affected after updates because they are following the old SEO practices. Some websites are performing well from years as they are updating themselves and practicing advanced SEO. Old methods like keyword stuffing, exact match domain, and backing quantity are replaced by semantic search, brand authority and link quality. 

Old SEO vs Advanced SEO techniques

Websites following advanced seo techniques are performing good even after huge google updates like healthy content, core update etc. This blog tells you about some advanced SEO techniques that have replaced old SEO. 

Old SEOAdvanced SEO
1.Keyword stuffing Semantic search 
2.Unnatural keywordsSeed keywords
3.Link quantity Link quality
4.Desktop optimisation Mobile first induction 
5.Content lengthContent relevance
6.On page keywordsUser intent 
7.Manual backlinksNatural backlink profile
8.Meta tag focusStructure data 
9.Page rankDomain authority
10.Content farmsContent marketing 
11.Article spellingOriginal content creation
12.Keyword densityTopic clusters
13.Frequent publishingQuality over quantity
14.Search Engine submissionTechnical SEO audit
15.Ranking for short tail keywordsLong tail keywords 
16.Exact match domainsBrand authority
17.Keyword stuffing LSI keywords
Old vs advances seo techniques given.

Old SEO vs Advanced SEO techniques

Some important changes that took place in recent 5 years are discussed below. 

Keyword stuffing vs Semantic search

Keyword stuffing – Stuffing is done when a particular word or sentence is used too many times even when it is not required. For example John started a website agency and now John will run the best website agency John helping brands with website agency to scale business john. Here John and website agency are unnecessarily used many times hence are keyword stuffing.

Semantic search – It is a data search technique or search engine technology that uses natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and intent and contextual meaning behind search queries. Search engine technology uses all these techniques to understand the meaning of words and phrases in the query and deliver more relevant results. 

Unnatural keywords vs Seed keywords

Seed keywords – Seed keywords are small keywords that are used to build up the content, they are natural. 

Un natural keywords – Those keywords that are not required but put forcefully. Stop using unnatural keywords instead start using seed keywords to phrase and frame the content. 

Exact match domains vs Brand authority

Exact match domain – Earlier any content without quality ranks on the basis of exact match domain. For example, a website giving information about cars having car dot com dot in type exact match domains ranks on any content without good quality. Now they have to produce good content to rank even on the exact match domain of cars.

Brand authority – Rather than picking exact match domains it is good to build brand authority by producing original content. Release the content on different platforms. Expertise authority and trustworthiness is Google’s EAT algorithm and genuine brand authority is closer to Google’s EAT algorithm.  

Link quantity vs Link quality 

Link quantity – Time has gone when people were making backlinks from backlink submission sites from any random site or forum sites. Earlier they were ranking but in a few years this was kicked out by Google.  

Link quality – As per Google new policies link quality is important. Link should be from the relevant website with 0 or low spam score. It is worth it to make one natural backlink from a good authority website relevant to your niche rather than making 10 to 20 backlinks from submission sites. To get a natural backlink you should produce original and high quality content regularly.

Desktop optimisation vs Mobile optimization

Desktop optimisation – Yes, desktop optimization is also important but the huge number of users shifted to mobile. So, only desktop optimization is not worth it. You can lose a lot of traffic if your website is not mobile optimized.

Mobile optimization – Mobile optimisation should be done on priority basis as more than 80% users already shifted on mobile to consume the internet data. While making a website most people check the elements on the desktop version resulting in unstructured website design in mobile.

Content length vs Content relevancy

Content length – Earlier bloggers used to write more words than the competitor to beat the competitor. Now as per new SEO techniques this model is not working. To beat your competitor you should write users problem solving, meaningful and valuable content. Of course some other parameters are also considered like domain authority, spam score and follow backlinks etc.

Content relevance – Rather than investing your time on writing more words you should focus on content relevancy. Whether the content is solving users’ problems? The content addressing the query mentioned in your title or not? 

If the content is solving users’ problems in 700 words then it’s enough. Focusing on content length is old SEO and content that is relevant to the topic with problem solving matter is considered good SEO practice nowadays. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are writing a blog post of 600 to 1000 words or 5000 words, the focus should be on content relevance with problem solving.

On page keyword vs User intent

On page keyword – 5 years ago putting lots of keywords in between the content was ranking but you should stop this practice as it is not working now. Instead of ranking you may get keyword stuffing policy violation and your website may drop down. After big updates like helpful content update and core update rolled out by Google a lot of small to big websites traffic decreased. 

Most websites were publishing genuine and original content but they lost traffic due to keyword stuffing, which is mentioned in both updates. So, if you also lose your traffic, start editing and updating your website content and remove all the unnecessary keywords. In advanced on page SEO keywords should be natural and placed unintentionally.

User intent – Rather than putting unnecessary, unnatural and unwanted keywords, focus on user intent. Focus on what is the main purpose of users search, why the user wants to visit the particular website, whether the user is getting the direct answer on top of the content or not. If users don’t want to buy a product only want information then the content should be giving information about the product not selling it forcefully.

Manual backlinks vs Natural backlink profile

Manual backlinks – This is one of the biggest SEO changes in the last few years. People are still making manual backlinks by submitting their website links and names on the random submission sites. Some digital marketing agencies in India are also doing this wrong practice which is not correct. 

Natural backlinks – Instead of making manual backlinks don’t make any backlink and rely on internal linking. You will get naturally backlinks with the time after publishing original and high quality content on a regular basis.  

If you produce high quality content people will link their websites with your website and you will get natural backlinks.

Meta tag focus vs Structure data 

Meta tag – Meta tag includes description and title of the page that should be unique from other pages, title description both are still required in the correct way. The point is not only to focus on meta tags but also to focus on structure data.

Structure data – It is well known as schema data but most SEO experts ignore this important practice. There are multiple types of schema data some of them are job scheme, organization, person, and local business scheme. Structure data of schema data should be implemented on the website as per the content need. It is a JSON LD code. I have already explained in my other post about what is structure data in seo, how to create it and how to implement it on a website. 

Page rank vs domain authority

Page rank – Earlier a page ranking factor was an important but now website domain authority is important and domain authority builts with the time after publishing high quality content regularly in a timetable. 

Domain authority – It is related to the domain age type of content and content published on the particular domain on a continuous basis.

Articles spelling vs original content creation 

Article spelling – Article spelling is still important but providing original content is more important.

Original content creation – Core and helpful content updates are one of the biggest SEO updates in the last few years. Original content creation is important and compulsory to rank higher on Google. Today most people are using AI to get rid of writing which is not correct. As per Google’s core update and helpful content update one should focus on creating original contents. 

keyword density topic clusters

Keywords density – It is one of the biggest mistakes made by new bloggers. They do not focus on keyword needs instead put keywords everywhere or sometimes they use primary keywords in very low quantity which is also not helpful for searching the topic.

Topic cluster – It is also known as content cluster in which multiple pages or groups of relevant pages in a website are interlinked with each other and enrich the content knowledge. Rather than focusing on keyword density, focus on interlinking the pages. 

Frequent publishing vs quality over quantity

Frequent publishing – Now it is not compulsory to publish the content everyday you can publish few blog posts in a week as per your team size but regularly in a time table. as per your team size.

Quality over quantity – The content should be problem solving and the main matter should be on the top of the page. Don’t focus on quantity instead focus on quality of the content and original content is always valuable.

Search in submission Technical SEO audit 

Search engine submission – It is nothing because you don’t have to submit any content in search engines instead search engines automatically indexes the contents as per the importance and crawlability experience. You should avoid the technical SEO services of a person or agency that offers search engine submission.

Technical SEO audit – Most websites that lose their ranking are because of no SEO or improper technical seo audits. Technical SEO is important to find out the errors in the website and to solve them. Only writing and creating content and publishing regularly is not enough, with the time error also comes. 

Solving errors is important and you can solve errors only if you find them and to find them crawling is necessary which is the part of technical SEO. If you are not able to audit by yourself you can also hire seo audit services.

Small tail keywords vs long take keywords

Small tail keywords – It is difficult to rank on small tail keywords like “Website Agency” instead you should focus on long tail keywords like best website agency in Uttarakhand.

Long tail keywords – Long tail keywords are always good as there is more chances of ranking. If you are using a keyword web designing agency and the user is searching for the best web designing agency in India then there is a low chance of your content getting searched.

Keyword stuffing vs LSI keywords 

LSI keywords – LSI keywords are similar keywords or helping words and synonyms that are used to explain the query instead of putting unnatural keywords.

Advanced SEO services India

We also provide advanced SEO services for different businesses. If you are looking for advanced seo training or looking to grow your business with premium tips then contact us. If you are looking for advanced seo for dentists or real estate you are at the correct place. To apply for advanced seo services fill out this form

Conclusion – How old SEO practices are affecting websites, which advanced SEO practices you should start immediately are explained in this blog. After reading this post if you have any query feel free to ask in the comment box.

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