Stop making backlinks from your own websites, you will be kicked out of SERP. Don’t make backlink from your A website to your B website. Understand why?

Stop making backlinks from your 1st website to your 2nd or 3rd website or from your 3rd website to 1st or 2nd website. It is called PBN (private blog network) a type of black hat seo banned in penguin update. Most freshers are not aware. Problem starts when they inter link all their blogs, this is called PBN. Let’s understand what PBN backlink is, how google identifies it, why you should know this, how to sort out and what penalty google gives on PBN websites. 

Stop making backlinks from your other websites PBN penalty

Some people make backlinks in between their own multiple websites by mistake and some do it intentionally and both get penalized by Google as it is a black hat seo practice. These people think they are building authority backlinks. People who do this by mistake are usually 1 year to 4 year experienced bloggers. 

When they don’t get results from their first blog they make another blog in the second year. Again when they don’t get traffic on that as well they make another blog like this they keep making multiple blogs under the same hosting. 

Unfortunately some digital marketing agencies are also doing this intentionally for their clients which is very bad to see. I know all this because I joined some startups to learn more and saw they are doing this intentionally for their clients. 

Later I decided to open my own company of SEO in India to give the correct services to national and international clients, now running my SEO company successfully with white hat seo practices only. This blog is helpful for people who don’t know that they are making mistakes and want to improve website ranking in SERP.

What is PBN backlinks

PBN means Private Blog Networking, multiple blogs belonging to the same entity. In April 2012 Google already brought an update against PBN in penguin update. Penguin was one of the biggest google updates that hit several websites for making bad backlinks pbn. If you are making this mistake today then stop it immediately. 

Let’s understand PBN with an example. First you created A website in the agriculture niche then you created B website in the sports niche then you created C website again in agriculture keeping in mind to make the website relevant while linking it with your first agriculture website.  

After creating multiple websites you start making backlinks among all of them or you plan and execute to give backlink from 2nd and 3rd website to your 1st website. This is called PBN which is strictly not allowed by google and considered a black hat seo tactic. 

What penalties google give for PBN website backlinks?

Soon or later your websites will start losing ranking. Your content will be acknowledged as bad content by Google so stop it immediately and if you have done this by mistake then sort out the mistakes as suggested in this blog. 

While doing this you are puzzled in your own trap thinking you are the smartest person on Earth. You may be misguided by some fake youtubers or fake websites. Stop wasting time on blaming them as you have to bear the losses. So, pay attention now. The below given infographics shows the structure how 1 person makes backlinks among their multiple websites.

pbn backlink

Making websites in multiple niches by the same person is not recommended because as per Google EEAT you must have expertise in a niche to start writing on that particular website.

How google identifies that you are making backlinks from your own website

There are multiple ways which Google uses to identify website connection and sources. 

Multiple domains under same hosting

When you buy a hosting with your name and keep multiple domains under the same hosting google bot easily identifies that all websites belong to the same person as all domains have the same ip address of that hosting. 

Using same laptop with same wifi connection

Suppose you have multiple domains under two different hostings but you are opening the websites in the same laptop or with the same wifi connection. Then Google easily identifies the IP address on the Wi-Fi connection. When it is done regularly for many times they identify one person is handing all the websites.


Not only Google bots identifies instead people working in Google manually identify website connections with the same person. They use who is which shows the website owner name, registration and other details including ip addresses. When you type whois on the internet a website opens where you can put any website name and it shows all the data of a particular website.

How to solve PBN backlinks problem

It’s easy to get rid of bad backlinks, follow the below given steps:

  • First check your hosting and see how many domains you have under the same hosting. 
  • If there are multiple websites hosted then check their links whether they are exchanged with each other or one website getting links from others.
  • You can use a screaming frog tool to check or manually check it.
  • Google search console is the easiest way to find out the external links with accurate pages.
  • When you know the website names  from where you are giving links to your other websites the task becomes easier.
  • After getting the external link page information start removing external links from all your websites that belong to you.
  • Suggestion is start attending Google search console errors and solve them as soon as possible.

Why you should not use pbn backlinks

Most people are making PBN backlink mistakes in their blogs today as well and thinking google core update is responsible for their website’s bad performance. When we concentrate only at one place you miss other options. 

You might be thinking that your website is not performing due to the Google’s core update but it could also happen due to the PBN mistakes that you are making continuously for years. More importantly according to google penguin is now part of their core algorithm. So, it’s time to check and make a solid SEO strategy to recover the website. 

Conclusion – The conclusion is if your website was hit by an update and not achieving the ranking again even after editing it lots of time even after making regular fresh and new content.  Then don’t assume that it is hit by Google Core update only it might be due to PBN.  So refine your  strategy and find out all the reasons that are responsible for keeping the website out of SERP results. Checking backlinks within your own websites whether they are under the same hosting or different hosting is necessary because sooner or later you will get punished by google. So, start doing white hat seo only.