How to create a website without coding WordPress

website designer

Hello everyone this is my first blog post on this niche but I have written several blog posts and created plenty of websites for me and my clients in the last 5 years. I suddenly decided to spread my knowledge about blogging and websites with beginners like I was 5 years ago. So I started daddy blogs. On this website, I will try to share the required things in sequence and also create some playlists that will help you. Let’s begin today’s post.

In this post, I am explaining WordPress website creation without coding in very easy language.

How to create a website without coding WordPress

Website meaning – In an easy language website is a combination of domain and hosting. 

Domain + Hosting = Website.

Website types 

Before creating a website you must know your purpose and according to the purpose you can choose the specific website type. There are mainly two types of websites: blog & e-commerce, both are explained below. 

Blog website – The first one is a blogging website in which you can create content in the form of writing, videos, audio, infographics, and images. At present, you are reading a blog website.

E-commerce website – The second one is an E-commerce website in which we can list physical products like shoes, shirts, bags etc and sell them by integrating a payment gateway such as Razorpay.

Once you decide your purpose whether you want to create content like me and other bloggers or list products and sell them like Amazon and Flipkart etc. Now you can choose which kind of website you want to build. Don’t worry I will explain both types step by step here.

Read thisWhen and how to get 1000 website visitors per day

To create a website we need domain and hosting which is explained below niche selection.


Before buying a domain it is recommended to understand the concept of niche.

Niche – Beginners will find this word “Niche” as a new word in their dictionary as I found 5 years ago. Niche means subject and it is very important to decide a good niche before starting a blog website. Once you decide to start writing blogs it’s time to choose a niche.

Niche selection – People often get confused while choosing the right niche for their new website. You must look inside yourself pick a blank paper and pen and start writing about the talks you like most in a day. Where do you spend your day once you decide your interest then start writing 15-25 topics on your interest. Like this, you can select a niche. Some of the high CPC niches are finance, making money online etc. Don’t run after money because blogging is a game of patience and needs at least 3-5 years to get regular income. For this long period, you can write continuously about your interested field so think wisely before falling into the trap of high CPC.

Let’s understand the domain and hosting platforms and from where you can buy them.

website creation


The domain becomes the name of your website when you purchase it. Suppose you want to write about food then you can use, or etc and it will become your website name. The name must show about your work and it will be better if it gives hints to users about what you are writing about. Domain examples are .in, .com, .edu, .net and .org etc. These extensions are used behind your domain name. 

Put screenshot

Buying platform – The best place where I use to purchase domain names is and crazy domains. These are the platforms where big businessmen and big companies used to buy domains. To get a good discount at namecheap you can also buy a domain from our link. 

You can see your domain name at the top URL bar. Only a domain name is not enough to create a website now you need to purchase hosting services on rent.

Hosting services

Hosting is a platform which gives you their servers on a rental basis. You can’t buy direct servers due to some policy and their huge prices therefore you need to take hosting services on rent in which they will provide servers to your domains after that only your website will go live and viewers can see it. Some of the good hosting examples are hostinger, greengeeks, cloudways, blue host and big rocks etc.

Buying platform – Hostinger, greengeeks, cloudways and blue host etc. I have personally used cloud screen gives and hostinger and I recommend to use any of them according to your budget. Now which is the most expensive in the entire world and you may pay Rs 12000/year, greengeeks is medium at price and offers Rs 6000 – Rs 7000/year for their services whereas Hostinger is the cheapest which provides services around Rs 5000-5500 per year. You will definitely get a good discount by buying them through this site.

After purchasing hosting and domain now it’s time for configuration. WordPress is a platform which is best to set up a website without coding. You can understand this platform a bit more in the paragraph below. 

WordPress Platform

E-commerce and bog both types of websites can be easily built on WordPress platforms. However, there are some other platforms like Wix, Weebly, Webflow, GoDaddy, Squarespace Jimdo etc. You are free to choose any of them but I have been using the WordPress platform for 5 years and created multiple websites for me and my clients so I personally recommend choosing the WordPress platform for easy and professional website development. Hope you understand what the WordPress platform is and its use. Now let’s move ahead.

Blog websites development

Now, we will understand how to create blogging websites without coding free of cost. After purchasing the domain and hosting 50% work is done but 50% is still pending. Let’s complete it. Suppose you have purchased Hostinger services now it’s time to set up your website, just follow the below-given steps step by step and you can also watch the related video given here. 

WordPress installation

Now install WordPress by following the below-given steps.

Login to the hostinger dashboard.

Click on auto-install. 

Select WordPress.

Under the website credentials website title put your website name. 

Put the email ID and password then click next.

Select application version – Recommended, language – English.

Requirements – Don’t change anything.

Choose update schedule – Recommended. 

Now click on Install without any tension.

WordPress will install within 2 – 5 minutes.

That’s it your WordPress is installed and the website is ready for customization.

Now click on the edit button to reach the dashboard of your website.

After installing WordPress it’s time to design the website. First, create some pages by visiting the pages option given in the left side menu. You can create these pages with the help of page generators. Some of the important pages are About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Homepage. After creative pages, you can start writing posts and publish them after completing a minimum of 600 words but it is recommended to write at least 15 words in the beginning 10-25 posts for better search results. You can create your home page from scratch or use starter templates for ready home pages. I will teach you how to create pages and post in the upcoming posts so stay tuned and hope you got some value.

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