Some best hosting services for websites are Cloudways and Greengeeks. In this blog post I am revealing why they are in the list of top 10 hosting services and best website customer support chat. I have used both services for 5 years and sharing the screenshot as well.
Best hosting services for websites
Cloudways, Greengeeks, Digital ocean, Site ground, A2 and Big rocks are some best web hosting for all beginners to advance levels.
A best hosting service must have quick and fast live support with problem solving attitude not only digital guide sending behavior’s. Online guide sending is one of the biggest problems in most hosting services while solving the basic errors, server level problems of their customers.
Cloudways and GreenGeeks are the 2 best web hosting services. They solve the basic errors and server level problems on the spot by themselves instead of only sending online guides resulting in lots of time saving and unwanted headache of basic coding. Today, I will tell you why Cloudways is the best web hosting service provider followed by Greengeeks web hosting.
Cloudways best website hosting provider
I have used cloud hosting for 3 years for some of my websites including blog and e-commerce. I am still using their services for my couple of websites. Currently, cloudways is the fastest website hosting provider among all other hosting providers. Its cloud technique makes it fast in which small servers are created at the nearby location of the viewer. For example, a person living in the USA wants to start a new website for blogging and searching what is the website cost in the USA.
A blog post using cloud ways server will show the result a bit faster compared to other hosting providers by creating small cloud servers in the USA nearby that person’s location. When a person living in India searches how to create a website, Cloudways small servers will be created in India nearby that person’s location to deliver the search answer faster. Delivery travel time reduction resulting in website fast speed.
After purchasing a domain one can use various platforms like WordPress, shopify etc. WordPress is one of the best website platforms. Very less or almost no coding knowledge is required while operating a wordpress dashboard or complete website. WordPress provides a facility of a bunch of free plugins so that coding can be avoided.
WordPress is the most suitable platform to start a website for business. If you want to start a professional website then avoid free platform’s like, if you are learning and practicing then you can use this platform as well.
Best customer service web hosting
Cloudways is the best web hosting for customer support 24/7. My personal experience of using Cloudways services is awesome. This hosting service has a great live chat option at the right top corner. While chatting live they respond to any query within 2 to 5 minutes. More importantly they solve basic server level queries by themselves and help to solve different server level queries as well.
When it comes to server level problems sometimes command add or delete is required, coding may take place to resolve the problem. You don’t need to hire web developers to resolve basic command add-edit and small coding problems as website developers charge huge amounts to resolve small commands, add edit and basic coding problems as well.

On the other hand, hostinger type platforms do not solve any small or basic server level queries; they will just send you a guide to solve the coding problem. They will always tell you to hire your developer to solve this query or sometimes they may charge a huge amount to solve a very little and basic server problem. However, the hosting providers should resolve the server errors and all these small basic problems should be resolved by their technical team. This is one of the usual problems with cheap hosting services.
On the other hand Cloudburys is resolving all problems on their own without any charges. I can say this because I have used both of the services and am still using them. In the last 5 years I have used 3 hosting services: GreenGeeks, Cloudways and Hostinger and find Cloudways the best web hosting service followed by Greengeeks. Cheap web designing services are available in Uttarakhand from where you can get your 1st professional website on affordable price.
Web hosting prices per month per year
Web hosting can be used for per month and per year basis. Website hosting cost per year and per month is given below with a detailed explanation.
Cloudways pricing per month per year
Although cloudways prices are higher than other hosting services like Greengeeks and Hostinger. One should use Cloudways on priority if serious about blogging or business. While opening an offline Shop a person needs to invest 3 to 5 lakhs only for construction or helpless to pay $80 to $150 per month in a decent marketplace.
For a professional web hosting Cloudways you just need to pay $12 per month. One can also buy the yearly price of Cloudways hosting which might be $144 to $200 or more depending on the plan. Apart from monthly and yearly plans you can also get the hosting plan for 2, 3, 4, 5 or more years as per your choice. Different plans have different server space, bandwidths and other facilities.
Greengeeks pricing per year
With a very good and fast live customer support GreenGeeks offers a yearly plan which can be increased for two, three, five or more years as well. After purchasing a domain one can get Greengeeks services at the price of $72 to $85 per year. The prices may increase or decrease depending on the season and offer run by the provider. Hostinger prices are around Greengeeks prices. You can get appreciating discount on GreenGeeks hosting right now.
Hostinger Black Friday sale
Holsinger is Indian company and provides the cheapest services with good quality servers. You should try this hosting once special when you are looking cheap web hosting services with quality performance. Black Friday sale 2024 begun, visit Hostinger from here to get black friday discount + extra discount on buying hosting services. You will also get 1 year free domain after buying hosting.
When and where to buy hosting services
Black Friday comes every year from the last Friday of the November month and remains for some time. It is the time when most hostings give the best prices and provide some discounts. Apart from this you can get a good discount while purchasing hosting from the referral links of your known bloggers.