Domain is the name and address of the website and hosting is a server service provider that manages website files and helps loading websites on the internet.

In short domain + hosting = Website.

Without domain and hosting a website can’t be created both are equally necessary to create or design a website.

Domain meaning in website

Website domain meaning is the name and address of the website. A flat thin bar is seen at the top of the mobile or desktop screen while opening the internet. URL full form is a unique resource locator that represents the website address.

URLs are unique to each website and every website has different urls therefore it is called a unique resource locator. Some of the domain name extensions examples are .com, .in, .edu, .us, .nz etc. represents India, .us represents the United States, .edu represents education and .com represents the commercial domain. 

When a name is prefixed before any of the extensions a domain name gets ready. For example John from the United States wants to start a personal blog teaching science and technology can register and book the name if available. When John science is placed before dot us a domain name completes, .us is only extension and only John science cannot form a domain.

Book domain name

To create a website, the first step is to book a domain name. To book a domain name you can visit different platforms such as namecheap and crazydomains. After visiting any of them, type your selected name in their search box. Most of the time it may show the name already booked so get ready with multiple names and search all of them.

Domain name price

Once you get the selected name buy it on the spot because later it may not be available for you and somebody may purchase it. You can domains for 1 year at rupees 500 to 700 in namecheap providers. Whereas .in domains are cheaper and can be booked at Rs 300 to Rs 500 for 1 year in crazy domain or namecheap. 

Hosting meaning in website

Hosting is a service provided by hosting companies in which hosting companies give server services to websites. Server services are taken on rent for 1 year, 2 year, 5 years or as many as years depending on the users. Small, big companies, individuals and organisations take server services on rent; they don’t buy it.

Best hosting services worldwide

Cloudways is the best hosting service worldwide. It provides the fastest server service with its genius working method. 

A person searches something on the internet in the USA and finds some blog of a random Australian blogger. If that Australian blogger has used cloudways services then the website will load fast in the USA also. It is because Cloudways creates mini servers of that Australian website nearby the USA person in the USA resulting in fast data fetching and fast website loading. Whereas ordinary servers can’t provide this kind of cloud serving facility.  

A person searching something in the USA on the internet finds an Australian blog based on an Australian server. Then the data fetch will take slightly more time due to data collection from other places resulting in slow website load.

Conclusion – This content gives an idea about domain website meaning in simple words so that freshers can also understand. Hosting and domain meaning is elaborated here for beginners. Best hosting service name and benefits explained.


What does domain mean in a website?

Domain is a website name and address.

What is domain and hosting in a website?

Domain is a website name and address and hosting is server services provider.

What is a server in simple words?

Server is a digital object that helps loading websites or shows the search result on the internet.