SEO questions for interview for beginners | Daddy Blogs

Some basic to advance SEO questions for interview for beginners is shared today. It is good to read all the seo questions and answers before interview for better results. BEST OF LUCK for your interview.

People who want to become SEO executive they should know the basics. One can learn seo easily after some practice, it is possible to learn the seo fundamentals in 3 to 6 months depending on your adaptability and honesty. Some important seo questions for interview for beginners is given in this blog post.

SEO questions for interview for beginners

How do Google recognize AI generated and human written content?

Through spider bot. 

Name the official website that confirms the google official announcements?

Google search central blogs.

What is seo?

It is an activity to bring website visibility organically in search engine results. On page seo, off page and technical seo are 3 major parts of seo. It is necessary to complete all three parts to complete the seo work.

Seo is done for what?

It is majorly done on a website. Youtube seo and app seo are also done.

How to do seo for website?

To do seo for website perform 3 tasks deeply: 1. On page 2. Off page and 3. Technical seo.

What is gmb in seo?

GMB is for local business done for local shop visibility.

What is GMB’s latest name?

Google my profile.

What is on page seo?

It is an on page activity done to boost the visibility and ranking of the particular website. In this activity seo is done to improve H1, h2, meta description, meta keywords, url, alt text etc.

Why seo is done?

It is done to solve the on page errors. By doing on page we try to make the website more visible on search engines.

What are the 7 main points in seo on page?

Page content. 

page title – H1.

Meta tags – Description, keywords, social cards, robots.

Images – Alt text, image size. 

Links – Internal & external.

Page hierarchy – H1, h2, h3 in order.

URL’s – Good url structure and length under 75 characters.

How to check whether google took data from a website or not?

Crawling and indexing report is given in google search console so see the crawling. 

What will happen if the website is not crawled? 

If the website is not crawled then google will not be able to read the website content resulting in no index and no ranking.

What is spider and indexing?

Spider is a google bot. Crawler fetches the data from the website and puts the data in the database is called indexing.

Are all pages indexed or not?

No, all pages are not indexed.

Name some tools required for seo?

Search console, ga 4, hot jar.

GA 4 – We get organic and inorganic data. 

Hot jar – users screen recording through hit map. It shows users’ clicks and where users went after click.

What is technical seo?

It is related to server related seo including hosting, speed type etc.

Core web vital – LCP, CLS and FID.

How does website load time increase?

By putting heavy images, videos, animation and sliders website load time increases. 

What should be image size?

100 kb below.

How to know which image is above 100 kb?

Through screaming frog seo tool.

What is alt text?

Image name given by us.

What is schema?

Schema is a markup language, it is a java script only read by google crawler. It is created through a schema generator in a json ld format.

Why schema is built?

It helps Google crawler by providing the information systematically easily.

What are different types of schema?

Article, organization, breadcrumbs, personal, product, faq schema, recipe, local business.

How to check schema type?

  1. Press ctrl + U to visit website page source then ctrl + F and type schema you will get all types of schema.
  2. Schema markup validator is a tool that tells all schema types. 

How to generate schema?

Use a schema generator tool to generate schema. Then use a schema markup testing tool (rich result testing) to verify it.

Why is the product schema used?

It is generally used for giving the rating for the product in the website.

Where organization schema is implemented?

Organization schema should be on the homepage because it is for complete websites not for particular pages. 

What is a sitemap?

It is a map of a website.

Why is a sitemap necessary?

So that Google knows the website sections, pages and content clearly.

What if a sitemap is not created?

Still crawlers will crawl the site but the possibility of google bot may leave some pages to crawley.

What are the types of sitemap?

Html sitemap for visitors.

Xml sitemap for google crawlers.

How is the sitemap created?

Through plugins like yoast and rank math. 

Manual – Use sitemap generator put website url. It will show all the pages put the best page in prior. Benefit is you can manage to put the preferred page. 

After sitemap creation, submit it into the search console.

Robots.txt Which pages should not be crawled?

Admin page, transactions, bank data etc.

How to check which page is blocked by robots.txt?

Type on the above url bar websitename/robots.txt or particular page/robots.txt.

What is 404 page?

It is also called a 4 xx error. 404 is created to remove 4xx errors. When a page is deleted the 4xx error occurs, here we can put 404 pages so that users know that this page is removed but other pages still occur and users may visit other pages.

What is the 2xx error?

It is not any error, 2xx is good for a website.

How to find keywords?

For seo keyword research paid and free tools are used.

Free tool – Keyword planner.

Paid tools – Semrush, Ahref, Moz and keyword tools etc.

Why is alt text required?

Google can’t see the image so it is compulsory to give a name to the image which is called alt text.

What is the 3xx error?

301 – Permanent redirect.

302 – temporary redirect.

What are Headlines and their frequency? 

Headlines are for page title and to manage the content hierarchy. 

H1 – Once on a page.

H2 – Headline 2 could be multiple.

What are the questions to ask seo agency?

Ask them: 

Brief the steps how my website will rank on google 1st page? 

What will be your strategy to rank my website on competitors keywords?

How long will it take to rank my website on google 1st page?

How many times and when will you send me the work report?

Share the checkpoints which you will implement on my website? 

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